Monday, April 24, 2017

Fun and Learning Just Outside Your Door

Homeschooling Hope by Elizabeth Bauman. Illus.: Katharine Bauman. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

ISBN-13: 978-153906648; ISBN-10: 1539406644

Education, Teaching, Homeschooling, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome, Georgia Connections Academy
5 Stars

Friends heard that Hope was homeschooled. They wondered what she’d do. They thought she’d stay home all day, but that was far from true. Hop on board and you will see how much fun school can be!

As with their first book: Hope’s Colors, Elizabeth and Katharine will donate a portion of their profits to Autism Speaks. Home schooled, Katharine’s experiences as an independent learner and a part of small groups with dedicated teachers who agree with Albert Einstein that “imagination is more important than knowledge" inform this picture book’s content.

Homeschooling takes many forms. Hope’s classroom is the entire world outside her front door with many chances to explore in a STEM shaped world that encourages not only math and science, but using her literacy skills to share what she has learned.

Written in rhyming couplets, each page is illustrated to encourage the readers to consider homeschooling as an uninhibited learning experience detailed to meet each individual’s learning needs and passions. Homeschooling for Hope certainly has no dull moments and expands to include her brother and many new friends and teachers available only in this learning setting.

Certainly a great read-aloud for ages 7-10. And great non-fiction reading for research or reports for ages 8-14. Once again beautifully written and beautifully illustrated. A solid five-star picture book.

Elizabeth Bauman is a retired teacher and former homeschooling mom. She has a B.A. from Mercer University and a M.Ed. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Elizabeth is a member or Word Weavers International and the co-author of Hope's Colors. Katherine Bauman attended Covenant College and Kennesaw State University. She received the Girl Scout Gold Award and the bronze President's Volunteer Service Award for offering free art classes to children in her community. Katherine has won state and local awards for her art work. Her illustrations reflect her faith in God and life with Asperger's Syndrome.

I received a copy of this book from the author for my honest and unbiased review.